Save, learn, and grow in faith.

The purpose of the Youth Banking Program is to encourage youth to be good stewards of the financial resources God has given to them. Our goal is to build a personal relationship with youth, encourage them to apply biblical principles to make wise financial decisions, and give back to our Christian school communities. The Youth Banking Program is available to all youth in grades 1-12.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it (Prov. 22:6).

We have partnered with Compass to offer curriculum specifically designed for home school, high school, and college courses. The Compass Curriculum will improve your finances (and life) by guiding you to apply God’s principles to your specific financial circumstances. It's all about doing it God’s way. 

We make banking simple and convenient with:

  • Online banking platform and mobile app
  • MEMBER CARD® debit card*
  • Network of ding-free Credit Union ATMs
  • Youth Banking Program representatives at participating schools

Please note: MEMBER CARD® debit cards are available upon request with parental consent.

Account Features (monthly)

FAT CAT® (Grades 1-6)

  • 10 free transactions

HeadStart® (Grades 7-12)

  • 50 free transactions
  • 1 free Interac e-Transfer®
  • 1 free Non-Credit Union ATM transaction*

*There are two fees when you use a non-Credit Union ATM. We will waive our fee, but you may be charged another fee by the non-Credit Union ATM. Fees for US or international transactions still apply.

We encourage youth to meet their monthly savings goals by paying a bonus that is in addition to regular account interest. Participating schools earn a matching bonus and receive $5.00 for every new account opened.

Note: Bonuses paid annually in July.


Monthly Savings Goal

Bonus per month







$1.00 per month

$2.00 per month

$3.00 per month

$4.00 per month

$5.00 per month

$6.00 per month




$14.00 per month

$16.00 per month

$18.00 per month




$30.00 per month

$33.00 per month

$36.00 per month

Check out the bonuses that were paid for 2023-24 School year!

Learn More

Bible Bingo cards for youth in grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, or 10-12 are now available from a participating school or a Christian Credit Union branch. Each card includes 8 Bible verses. Your child’s goal is to memorize each verse over the duration of the school year (September to May). When the card is completed, signed off by a parent or volunteer and returned to Christian Credit Union, your child will receive a special bonus! The participating school with the highest percentage of completed cards will also get a reward!

Bible Bingo Bonuses:

  • Grade 1-3 = $5

  • Grade 4-6 = $10

  • Grade 7-9 = $15

  • Grade 10-12 = $20

Bible Bingo Instructions

Note: Limit of one card per student per year. Bingo bonuses are paid at the end of the month the card is collected. The Bible Bingo Bonus is not matched with participating schools.

We are excited to offer field trips for Grade 2 students at participating schools. The field trip includes and introduction to credit unions, tour of the vault, role playing as a Christian Credit Union team member, and story time with financial lesson. Each field trip participant will take home a Give, Save, Spend, barn.

Edmonton and Area

  • Covenant Canadian Reformed School (Neerlandia)
  • Harvest Baptist Academy
  • Parkland Immanuel Christian School


  • Calgary Christian School
  • Trinity Christian School 
  • Tyndale Christian School

Lethbridge and Area

  • Calvin Christian School (Coalhurst)
  • Coaldale Christian School
  • Immanuel Christian Elementary School
  • Immanuel Christian High School
  • Lethbridge Christian School
  • Providence Christian School (Monarch)

Youth who do not attend a participating school are also eligible for the program.

Visit a Christian Credit Union branch or a Youth Banking Program representative at a participating school and provide the items below. All youth must have a parent present.

  • Valid ID:  Driver’s License, Passport, Birth Certificate or Alberta Health Care
  • Youth’s Social Insurance Number (if available)

A Christian Credit Union team member or school representative will open the account or help you get started.

Do you have any questions about the Youth Banking Program?

Contact a branch or a volunteer at a participating school.
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